Pursuing Your Purpose | Seven Wise Masters - Episode 1

I think that we lose touch with our childlike authenticity and vulnerability to want to go discover what's out there. And I believe that we're meant to turn life into an epic quest, whatever quest of your choosing. I believe that each one of us gets to create our own purpose. Because of that, I will be going on a journey across the world to meet with seven masters on the top of seven mountains in a quest I've created for myself called Seven Wise Masters.

I want to give people the resources to help them create the freedom and the financial freedom to go on whatever quest they create for themselves. I believe that every one of us has a very unique gift or gifts that only we can offer the world. We all have this whisper and this calling inside of our heart, but I think that very few people follow that whisper from God or from the universe, and sadly, I think it dies with a lot of people too. The reason is because we all have imposter syndrome. What makes us think that we have the right to pursue this something that I feel called to do? And we think about the people who have come before us and how we could never be as good as them. We think about the stuff that's already been invented. So why would I create that product? And sadly, this is how most people feel. But I believe that in a way, it's our responsibility to figure out what these unique gifts are and to offer them to the world, and not only achieve what you feel your higher purpose is, but then to turn around and to share it, what it was that worked for them to whatever community it is that wants to come and listen. Sometimes we all just need a little kick out the door, or we need to see somebody else do what it is that we've always thought that maybe we could do.

So what it is that I want for myself in seeking out these masters across the world is to align myself more energetically and spiritually, and to understand how this dimension works, to escape the matrix, and to discover as much profound wisdom from tribes all across the world. At the same time, to simultaneously raise money and give back to these people, and then to take what I've learned and come back and create a course, and to share what I've learned and help other people escape the nine to five and live a nomadic lifestyle if they want to, but have them share what works for them. So I'm very stoked to say that I will be beginning this lifelong quest and this journey by going to Egypt in February.

Ten years ago, I went backpacking through Europe by myself, and back then it became really evident to me a major part of my life was meant to be traveling the world and seeking out unique experiences. That I had a really good ability to observe and to take what I've learned, turn it around, and how to create a very peaceful, loving, cooperative ecosystem within myself and an understanding of my own existence to create my own purpose. And in my mid-20s, my systems really started to help people as I would share those systems with people, in me operating my life, it started to become really clear to me that my unique gift is to share what works for me. The ways that I make it sacred and beautiful and full of magic and turn it into a quest. And that's exactly what I'm doing right now with the launch of Second Wise Masters. I'm just starting from scratch. I think that I have, I know that I have two YouTube subscribers, but that's not what it's about. It's about staying true to myself for what I feel called to do.

So for those of you guys that don't know me, my name is James David. I have been a successful DJ, and I have transitioned out of that because it didn't allow me the traveling free lifestyle that I feel called to have. Since then, I have created several businesses, some of which have failed but a few have become really successful, which I'm very grateful for. I now own a web and advertising agency, helping companies make six to seven figures. And because of my knowledge of the SEO and marketing world, I have now created a subscription software that is in beta testing called Lightpost.

So all of this is to create a more nomadic lifestyle for myself, and it is my goal to create a business course to teach everyday people how they can do the same for themselves, a life of freedom where they can pursue whatever they'd like. All of these businesses and all of this knowledge I taught to myself, I've learned from YouTube. I'm so grateful for the people who give out free knowledge. Everything I've learned has been through trial and error, and I want to inspire people that they can do the same. I don't know how to write a single line of code, yet I'm a web designer and I own a software company, and I want you guys to realize that you can do whatever it is that you think you might be able to. If you weren't able to do it, your brain and your heart wouldn't have the desire to.

So I'm still producing music, and I actually have a full-length feature concept album coming out soon. I've created an entire fantasy world for my brand new artist name called Rinzival So if you guys want to tag along on my journey as I prepare to go to Egypt, then I would love your help in getting to maybe 10 YouTube subscribers. Or if you want to see the daily updates, you can follow me on Instagram. And thank you guys for watching. Watch out for more videos and here is to living a quest-filled life. Thanks, guys. What else do I want to say?